
We normally have one service a week at 10:30. Until the end of March 2025 they will alternate between Moncreiffe and Craigie. From then until further notice, all our services will be in Moncreiffe unless specified otherwise.

On the second Sunday of the month, we have a joint service with St Leonard's in the Fields. On the last Sunday of the month from September to May, Messy Church is at 10:45 in Moncreiffe. 

  • 2 March Craigie
  • 9 March St Leonard's in the Fields (joint service)
  • 6 March Moncreiffe
  • 23 March Craigie
  • 30 March Moncreiffe (Messy Church)
  • 6 April Moncreiffe
  • 13 April Moncreiffe (joint service)
  • 17 April 7:00 p.m. Moncreiffe (joint service)
  • 18 April 7:00 p.m. St Leonard's in the Fields (joint service)
  • 20 April Moncreiffe
  • 27 April Moncreiffe

Hymn books are available and you can bring your own hymn book if you prefer. Offering plates will be passed around.

Reflections and other worship resources are on our Resources page and you can find an order of service for home worship here.

The Kirk Session continues to monitor the situation, taking account of all the advice and information available. The safety of our members is paramount.

Welcome to Perth: Craigie and Moncreiffe

... a parish in the south of the second-newest city in Scotland. We are one church with two buildings.

Craigie church is at the corner of Wilson Street and Abbot Street. Moncreiffe church is on Glenbruar Crescent.

The REVIVE youth group is our youth work project for young people in P6–S6 and above. Have a look at the
Groups for Young People page for more information.

As well as church groups, we play host to many different organisations, from Rainbows to Taekwondo.

We are a part of the Presbytery of Perth in the Church of Scotland.



Messy Church is back!

Click image for further info.



Safeguarding is vitally important and reflects the value that God places on each one of us and on healthy relationships.

The Church of Scotland has a deep concern for the wholeness and wellbeing of each individual. Through its Congregations, working together with the Safeguarding Service and statutory agencies, the Church seeks to safeguard the welfare of all people who come into contact with the Church and its services. The Gospel proclaims that it’s the responsibility of everyone within the fellowship of the Church to prevent harm, be it physical, sexual or emotional, and we will always seek to reduce risk. The Church’s commitment to safeguarding reminds us that God cares passionately about the welfare and wellbeing of all people.

(Church of Scotland Safeguarding Policy Statement, 2010)

For more about safeguarding, see the Church of Scotland website.

Our safeguarding coordinator is Ann Crawford. You can contact her on 07912 750105.

Church Hall Bookings

For information on hall availability please contact...

Craigie halls - Bill Coulter 01738 623180
Moncreiffe halls - Dorothy Garvie 01738 637574



Our Craigie buildings are located
at the corner of Wilson Street
and Abbot Street, PH2 0EY
The Moncreiffe buildings are in
Glenbruar Crescent, PH2 0AJ
SUNDAYLight & Life Ministries
MONDAYLittle Blooms
Dog training
KICKS Youth Group P6-S1
Revive Youth Project
The Guild (fortnightly)
Toddler and baby group
Light & Life Ministries (fortnightly)
WEDNESDAYBible Study Group
Child Minding Group
Toddler and Baby Group
THURSDAYLight & Life Ministries
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